HVAC Airconditioning

AC / AHU units with Humidifiers

The purpose of Air conditioning is not just to remove heat from the room or office area, but to control the humidity levels as well, for comfort and work efficiency.
Hence, while considering an HVAC solution for your office or home, one should ponder over humidity capabilities of AC OR AHU units as well, to achieve desired and comfortable Air conditioned environment.

Indoor Environmental Quality

As per Ishrae research source (https://ishrae.in/Content/Download/ISHRAE_IEQ),

Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) refers to the environmental conditions inside regularly occupied space that is determined by many factors, including indoor air quality (IAQ), thermal comfort, visual comfort,acoustic comfort as well as ergonomics. IEQ has an impact on health, comfort, and safety, which in turn affects productivity of occupants. Research has shown that poor IEQ can have short and long term health effects. Indoor air pollutants can lead to health disorders such as headaches, allergies, asthma, and other respiratory diseases. Furthermore, conditions such as temperature, relative humidity, noise and lighting levels outside the acceptable comfort ranges could increase the stress level in human body, thus creating health issues like sleep disorder,digestive problems, and memory and concentration impairment besides resulting into discomfort of occupant.
In a good indoor environment, work efficiency of occupants gets enhanced, learning results are better among students and absenteeism is lower. This in-turn increases workplace productivity and test scores in schools, which is supported by research.

A home or office space’s ideal humidity or moisture level is between 35 and 55 percent. If the humidity levels falls or rise above this level, occupants comfort suffer.
A good HVAC experts while suggesting an Air conditioning solution, calculates Heat load and Humidity requirements as per details provided, and suggests HVAC unit specifications accordingly. The HVAC design can have a Ductable AC unit, cassette AC unit, FCU unit or an Air handling Unit / AHU with matching specifications for Humidity and other parameters.
If you are looking for Best HVAC solution providers in town, contact us through www.saarathiac.in, give a call at our numbers provided.

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