HVAC Airconditioning
Acrex 2024 Saarathi Projects

Acrex 2024 VISIT


Thanks to Acrex 2024 Organizers and Ishrae !!!

During our visit to the event, we got the opportunity to explore recent developments in the HVAC Industry. Thanks to Acrex 2024 Organizers and Ishrae for giving us this incredible platform to connect with important HVAC Industry stakeholders.


## Meeting with Industry Leaders

Canada based HVAC BMS Solution Provider**:

Our team had the privilege of meeting with a Canada based HVAC BMS solution provider. Their insights into BMS systems were incredibly valuable and gave us a new perspective on energy efficiency in HVAC systems.

* **Heads of Top AHU Manufacturing Companies**:

Interacting with the heads of top AHU manufacturing companies was a highlight of our visit. Their expertise and knowledge of air handling units were enlightening, and we gained a deeper understanding of the latest advancements in AHU technology.

* **New Innovations in Air Conditioning**:

The event showcased exciting new innovations in air conditioning technology. From energy-efficient models to smart cooling solutions, team was impressed by the creativity and ingenuity of the industry.

* **New Type of Ducting Innovations**:

We also had the opportunity to explore new types of ducting innovations. The new type of ducting technology is revolutionizing the way buildings are cooled and heated, and we were excited to witness these changes.

* **Refrigerant Solution Providers**:

Meeting with refrigerant solution providers shed light on the importance of eco-friendly refrigerants in HVAC systems.

* **Piping Manufacturers**:

Learning about the latest piping technologies from leading manufacturers was eye-opening. The quality and durability of modern piping solutions are remarkable, and we look forward to integrating these innovations into our projects.

* **Air Purification System Products & Innovations**:

Exploring air purification system products and innovations was a breath of fresh air. The focus on indoor air quality and health-conscious solutions was inspiring, and we now have a better understanding of the importance of clean air in HVAC systems.

* **HVAC System Controller Companies**:

Engaging with HVAC system controller companies deepened our understanding of system efficiency and control. Their cutting-edge technologies and intuitive interfaces are shaping the future of HVAC automation, and we were impressed by their dedication to improving user experience.


## A Great Learning Experience for Team Saarathi Projects

Overall, our visit to Acrex India 2024 was a great learning experience for Team Saarathi Projects. The insights, connections, and ideas we gained from industry leaders will undoubtedly shape our future projects and decisions. We are grateful to Acrex organizers and Ishrae for this valuable opportunity to immerse ourselves in the latest HVAC developments.
Remember, continuous learning and networking are key to staying ahead in the ever-evolving HVAC industry. Let’s keep innovating and collaborating to create a sustainable future for HVAC systems!

*Thank you, Acrex 2024 Organizers and Ishrae, for this enriching experience.*

By Team Saarathi Projects